The Tuesday/Thursday Preschool PLUS class is 3 hours and 45 minutes in length and is offered at:
Tuition: $255 per month (September to June)
Preschool PLUS is a HALF DAY program for children who are 3 years old by December 31, 2025.
For children 3 yrs and older the ratio is 1:12 as set out by the provincial government. At Kaleidoscope Kids Preschool we maintain a 1:7 teacher/student ratio in our Preschool classes.
All Preschool classes are designed to enrich both the mind and character of every child within an environment rich in fun, phonics, art, science, math, language instruction and self esteem building activities.
All Preschool PLUS programs include:
The following is a general outline of our Preschool classroom routine:
Greetings - Every day children will be greeted by their teachers and join in for a short free play time in the classroom.
Circle Time – Children sing hello, talk about the theme, have a story based on the theme and discuss the craft that day. Games, songs and discussions promote development in language, number skills and social interactions.
Gym or Musical Time - Physical education is a fun and busy time! There will be a combination of teacher directed and free play with the equipment and instruments provided allowing for gross motor development and creative movement.
Snack – Children as a group wash their hands to sit down for snack provided from home. Having the children get into the practice of washing hands first promotes healthy eating habits. Once snack time is over, the children throw away their own trash. Snack is an important time for children to learn and practice socialization skills.
Centres - Art is an integral part of an early childhood program and a themed craft will be offered each day. Children are free to circulate among the choice of centres and activities set out for them. They are encouraged and guided in cooperative play throughout this time. Rotating centers such as the sand/water table, dramatic play areas, science and discovery, building, puzzles and games, and the story corner will provide rich opportunities for global development.
Show & Share Circle Time – Show & share and Calendar activities.
Yoga will be part of out Preschool PLUS program this year. Yoga for kids is a fun way for children to develop important skills in a fun, non-competitive environment. This nourishing atmosphere encourages children to relax and have fun while they develop not only strength, coordination, flexibility and balance, but also body awareness, better focus and concentration, and self confidence.
We are thrilled to be offering a program called PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies). The goal of the PATHS program is to lay the foundation for lifelong social-emotional understanding. The preschool program is a comprehensive, developmentally based curriculum to promote social and emotional competence, and prevent or reduce behaviour and emotional problems in your children. The curriculum’s lessons are multi-sensory and interactive through stories, puppets and sharing activities.
We are excited to be offering an exciting music program that uses both Kindermusik and Rhyme and Reason. Each week in class we combine your preschooler’s natural love of music, storytelling, and imaginative play with age-appropriate activities that introduce early music concepts and foster independence, social and emotional skills, language growth, and self-control.
Closing Circle Time - Each class will wind down with songs, finger plays and a short discussion of the day's events and discuss what is coming up for our next class. Everyone sings good-bye!
Throughout the year to enhance our curriculum we have special events or in-services in the classroom.
Event Photo Gallery
For all families currently enrolled in our Preschool program we have a photo gallery for special events captured on camera. All pictures are on password protected galleries so parents can catch a glimpse of each special event and your child.
- 12:30-4:15 (Tuscany & Nolan Hill locations)
- 9:45-1:30 (Edgemont location)
Tuition: $255 per month (September to June)
Preschool PLUS is a HALF DAY program for children who are 3 years old by December 31, 2025.
For children 3 yrs and older the ratio is 1:12 as set out by the provincial government. At Kaleidoscope Kids Preschool we maintain a 1:7 teacher/student ratio in our Preschool classes.
All Preschool classes are designed to enrich both the mind and character of every child within an environment rich in fun, phonics, art, science, math, language instruction and self esteem building activities.
All Preschool PLUS programs include:
- Two-week themes
- Circle time with themed story time
- Gross motor activity daily
- Science centre activities
- Centres daily (dramatic play, sand table, manipulative centre, etc.)
- Arts & Crafts daily
- Math centre activities
- Calendar and weather activities daily
- Show and share
- Special Helper Days
- Kindermusik - Laugh & Learn
- PATHS program (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies)
- Special in-services during theme related topics
- Field Trip (1 field trip)
The following is a general outline of our Preschool classroom routine:
Greetings - Every day children will be greeted by their teachers and join in for a short free play time in the classroom.
Circle Time – Children sing hello, talk about the theme, have a story based on the theme and discuss the craft that day. Games, songs and discussions promote development in language, number skills and social interactions.
Gym or Musical Time - Physical education is a fun and busy time! There will be a combination of teacher directed and free play with the equipment and instruments provided allowing for gross motor development and creative movement.
Snack – Children as a group wash their hands to sit down for snack provided from home. Having the children get into the practice of washing hands first promotes healthy eating habits. Once snack time is over, the children throw away their own trash. Snack is an important time for children to learn and practice socialization skills.
Centres - Art is an integral part of an early childhood program and a themed craft will be offered each day. Children are free to circulate among the choice of centres and activities set out for them. They are encouraged and guided in cooperative play throughout this time. Rotating centers such as the sand/water table, dramatic play areas, science and discovery, building, puzzles and games, and the story corner will provide rich opportunities for global development.
Show & Share Circle Time – Show & share and Calendar activities.
Yoga will be part of out Preschool PLUS program this year. Yoga for kids is a fun way for children to develop important skills in a fun, non-competitive environment. This nourishing atmosphere encourages children to relax and have fun while they develop not only strength, coordination, flexibility and balance, but also body awareness, better focus and concentration, and self confidence.
We are thrilled to be offering a program called PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies). The goal of the PATHS program is to lay the foundation for lifelong social-emotional understanding. The preschool program is a comprehensive, developmentally based curriculum to promote social and emotional competence, and prevent or reduce behaviour and emotional problems in your children. The curriculum’s lessons are multi-sensory and interactive through stories, puppets and sharing activities.
We are excited to be offering an exciting music program that uses both Kindermusik and Rhyme and Reason. Each week in class we combine your preschooler’s natural love of music, storytelling, and imaginative play with age-appropriate activities that introduce early music concepts and foster independence, social and emotional skills, language growth, and self-control.
Closing Circle Time - Each class will wind down with songs, finger plays and a short discussion of the day's events and discuss what is coming up for our next class. Everyone sings good-bye!
Throughout the year to enhance our curriculum we have special events or in-services in the classroom.
- Mad Science Calgary
- Inglewood Bird Sanctuary
- Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation
- Bug Presentation
- Christmas Party with Santa & Mrs. Claus
- Holiday Fun Days
- Petland
- LEGO Smart Education
- Year-end Picnics
- and more...
Event Photo Gallery
For all families currently enrolled in our Preschool program we have a photo gallery for special events captured on camera. All pictures are on password protected galleries so parents can catch a glimpse of each special event and your child.